The high treason of the European Union

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Excerpts from my essay: ’The high treason of the European Union’ (edited in Dutch: ’Het landverraad van de EU’. Groningen: De Blauwe Tijger, 2016). 

Chapter 25. The EU undermines Europe

The EU builds an Europe on sandy grounds

The probability to achieve a higher phase in European civilization diminishes since the EU undermines the fundamentals of Europe. The main cause is the refusal to recognize the Judea-Christian sources of our civilization. We have not yet a Constitution, but it is clear that therein there will be no mention of what is the core of Europe since two thousand years. It is a dangerous illusion to think that we can live together in harmony without a common moral base.

The EU builds an Europe on sandy grounds what leads to a lack of ethical elan in our efforts to build a civilization. It is clear that policy in the EU is solely based on economic interests and power politics. The consequences of this policy are the lack of consideration for the preservation of our ecosystem and our powerlessness vis à vis mass-immigration.

We are in need of charismatic leaders who can inspire the people (leaders like Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela). Our current European leaders are technocrats. They work hard and they have the best intentions for the people, but they lack charisma to promote necessary changes because they have not a strong belief in fundamental values and norms.

What are the fundamental European values and norms?

The core of our European values and norms can be described as a responsibility for other people and for our environment. The ego gives priority to the Other (therefore written with a majuscule). The Other is the center of the ego. I’m living at the service of the Other. This basic ethical principle has many far-reaching consequences: we can die for the Other or for our country and we can be self-sacrificing for the Other. In a certain sense, the Other is our God. That is the reason why we are caring for handicapped people, why refugees find shelter, why criminals are humanely treated, why we do not torture as in Turkey or Morocco, why we are tolerant vis à vis dissidents, why there is less corruption in Europe and why there is a better distribution of wealth if we take serious our ethical values. That is also the reason why during the colonial period good willing Europeans wanted to transfer our values and norms to other countries all over the world.

Each man is seen by Judaism and Christianity as a being for whom God calls us to behave in a responsible way towards him. Humanists and atheists see this appeal as coming from the human being himself, and their ethical behavior don’t differ from Christians. The appeal applies just as well towards non-human beings such as animals and the material world. We must be responsible towards fauna and flora and towards the planet Earth as a whole. Unfortunately, in the Koran, the Other, such as a Jew or an unbeliever, is seen as an enemy who must be repressed or murdered. For that reason islam can never be integrated in Europe.

Since more than hundred years mankind has been very irresponsible towards the Other and towards the creation. Economic forces are the main cause for the lack of responsible behavior. Greed came in the place of ethics. Our politicians are powerless because economic factors are overpowering each policy. The EU complies with this situation. The main question is how to change the European politics towards a more responsible strategy wherein the absolute priority is the well-being of the Other. In that sense, priority must be given to the removal of poverty. The greed of American capitalism is at odds with the ethical principe of responsibility. American capitalism is the second element that cannot be integrated in Europe.

In the next paragraph we will try to develop a blueprint for reaching a higher phase in European civilization.

Future developments in Europe: a blueprint for politics in the 21ste century

In a few years, it can be possible that social relations in Europa change dramatically. More solidarity between people who share a common, century old history can be reached. The family and the extended family are at the core of solidarity as it has been the case in the past. People will live and work in their own region. Solidarity means also that marginalized people will never be abandoned. Those who possess too much, will give at those who are in need, as in an extended family.  Each person will have the possibility to play a role in society, since everyone has his own talents. Unemployment and other forms of marginalization will be eliminated because each citizen is a member of a ’network of solidarity’. Health care, care for elderly and handicapped people and mental health care are part of a community network. A significant decline of mental disorders will be a consequence of the strengthening of solidarity in the community.

Strong family bonds will strengthen the community as a whole. The force of such a community will favor the well-being of others far away, e.g. in developing countries, in countries plagued by famine or war. Networks of solidarity will extend their influence from the own region towards the country and on an international scale. Some international networks of solidarity will campaign against evil forces everywhere in the world, e.g. criminal gangs in South-America which terrorize local people.

Responsible behavior will be promoted by the networks of solidarity so that our planet Earth will be well preserved for future generations. The difference with traditional international politics will be that the networks are actions by the citizens. That is the difference between hollow words and concrete actions of motivated individuals who hold on the helm and, if necessary, dedicate their whole life to their mission.

Europa must end membership of the UN and other international organizations. These organizations prevent responsible and decisive actions because too much members who represent corrupt regimes obstruct imperative actions. The international networks of solidarity, whose members are people of good will, will take over the functions of these organizations.

Developing aid which provide too little results when it is promoted by official authorities is a concrete example of the malfunction of international organizations. This aid will succeed if ordinary people are willing to teach in schools during twenty or thirty years, so that education in these countries will gain in quality. During the colonial era tens of thousands Europeans have sacrificed their life for the well-being of children and adults in the colonies. In these century immigrants who return to their countries of origin can do the same with support of Europe.

Goal-oriented actions for refugees

During the coming years Europa must take action for the Middle-East and Africa. The current border surveillance is hypocritical because that means that ’welcome committees’ are operating at sea, whereas most refugees are illegal fortune-hunters. What we need is a peace corps to bring peace in those regions and to help rebuild a civil society. Immigrants can be trained to take part in that peace corps. Europe needs also a strong army because we can expect huge challenges in this century.

When all Africans and Muslims will be returned to their countries of origin or the countries of their ancestors, they will cooperate with Europe so that the people can live in humane circumstances. That means that profit from natural resources will be distributed fairly, that social services will be implemented, that all children can go to school, that there will be a health service for all, that employment will be available and pensions for the elderly. If that will be realized the people, especially the immigrants who returned, will be proud of their achievements. In Morocco for example, farm land will be given back to the people and in Egypt the awful tradition of circoncision of girls will be abolished.

Responsable stewardship over planet Earth

When all will live in their own country, that is the country where their ancestors lived for centuries, the people will take care of the environment. Old landscapes will be repaired. Pollution will be prevented. One will take care of fauna and flore.

In each region people will try to maximize a self-supporting lifestyle. Thanks to new technology most products can be locally produced. These products are durable and old devices can be upgraded. Buildings are producing their own energy and even traffic routes are sources of energy. People will prefer recyclage instead of the pursuit of new hypes. They will be satisfied with what they have already so that people can emphasize cultural and social activities. We are satisfied with the current standard of health care so that one can limit research for new treatments and medicine to what is still lacking. The same policy will be applied to space programs and ITT. Thanks to a better distribution of subsidies there will be a reveil of humanities and of social and cultural activities.

An evolution from consument towards a social being

The most encroaching change in this century of spirituality will take place in the behavior of the individuals. Instead of consuming endlessly, the citizen will become a more social human being. Priority will be given to social activities with those with whom one feels connected. The citizen will prefer a sober lifestyle. His purchases are limited to what is strictly needed. Whenever possible one buys locally produced goods and products with a minimal ecological footprint. Travel abroad become rare. People will spend leisure time in one’s own country. Sporting competitions are organized locally. International sport competitions are not done.

Scientific and technological achievements will be used for a more comfortable, stress-free way of living and for more leisure time. Instead of greed which leads to more and more stress and hyperactivity, people will reflect about the sense of what they are doing. A drastic reduction of working hours is one of the first measures to be taken, because one is wondering why technological development has not resulted in more leisure time. One of the great advances of a drastic reduction in working hours is that people can spend more time with each other. Social and cultural activities will flourish as never before. Parents will have enough time to spend together with their children. Volunteer aid will be accessible and less stressful. Those who are obsessed by their work will not be hindered in their creativity or inventiveness. The point is that each of us will be free to do what he likes most and that everyone will have the opportunity for engagement in the fields for which he is most motivated and talented.

The proportional rise in the age of population is not seen as a problem, but as a challenge. What is needed is a policy of taking care that enough trained people are available for professions that are crucial for society. Most people are working in fields that are useless or senseless. E.g. my father was an architectural draughtsman at the Ministry of Public Works; when he retired he said to me that he worked for 30 years for that ministry of which 27 years for plans which were never executed. Fortunately, my father had an excellent hobby, namely carpeting and furniture-making. When he came home from the ministry, the real work began. Everything in our home which was of wood, from chairs to truss was made by my father. He worked also for the extended family. My father should have been a perfect member of a ’network of solidarity’ where he could be a very useful person in the community instead of doing useless work at the ministry.

Everyone is great

In this new era, the value of a human being is no longer dependent of his economic contribution. Solidarity between family members and the innumerable networks of solidarity are preventing people to become isolated. E.g. mentally handicapped people are not seen as a burden and as persons who don’t belong in the common society. Everyone who has had some experiences with mentally handicapped people knows how affectionate they are, how attentive they are for other people and how much they love togetherness. The companionship with these people provides much respite because they give us the feeling to be important for others. We can learn much from these mentally handicapped people! Parents of these children can not be left alone. They belong to a caring family and to networks of solidarity which stands up for them and supports them.

Schools are community-based, what means that the school is a service center in the neighborhood. Gifted children will find the best opportunities to develop their talents, but they will interact with all sorts of children. Children who need extra care will find support from the local network of solidarity. In such a network retreated teachers will help them or employers will give them an opportunity for practical training. The network of solidarity will lessen the burden for teachers and make possible a curriculum adapted to the special needs of children.

Disabled people or people with conduct disorders will find support so that they can take part in social life. If there is a risk for dangerous or criminal behavior, extra surveillance will be possible thanks to networks of solidarity which are implemented in the neighborhood. Criminal acts must be sanctioned, but during detention the criminal will be treated humanely. Dangerous recidivists must be supervised electronically during their whole life if necessary,  but they will have the possibility to work or to contribute in an appreciated way to community life. In the network they will find people who care for them.

The European Confederation 

The identity of Europe is marked by diversity in cultures, but with a common core of judea-christian ethics. Each country in this confederation will have his own government and will act autonomously in most fields. Economy, defense and foreign politics will be coordinated on an European scale. There will be an united police force, an united custom and one great European army. Economic activities wille be coordinated and controlled by a central bank.

Europe does not need an exuberant and costly ’royal household’. Instead the Confederation must be guided by an elected counsel of wise men and women. The role of this counsel is to inspire the people and to evaluate their activities. There is no need for e.g. an Romanian member of parlement who earns more than n 14.000 euro netto pro month, because this is an insult to the Romanian people who he represents. European institutions must be model of soberness and engagement.

The administration must be restricted to a minimum. Policy is based on confidence in the citizens. A ’top down’ policy is replaced by a ’bottom up’ one. The European government, the national governments and local councils have above all an inspirational, controlling and evaluating function. All the rest lies in the hands of ordinary people. There are at the moment already several examples of such a policy: in some countries we see that schools dispose of a maximum of autonomy. In that case the quality of schools rises. Issuing instructions can be left so that more resources are available for teaching and for the deployment of initiatives. The Ministry of Education can publish a evolution report every three years so that parents can choose between the best schools. Malfunctioning schools will be closed automatically.

A bottom up policy means that the European Confederation can be governed by three elected politicians, who are assisted by a handful of civil servants. This government will be located in Vienna and the leaders will be elected from a list of charismatic persons. This list will be the same for all European countries. One is confident that the citizens will elected those who really have the charisma for inspiring the whole of Europe.

A continued ethical reflection

A shared responsibility lies at the core of the European society. That means that not the I is central, but the Other. I’m my brother’s keeper. I have to be a good steward of planet Earth.

We do not find with rational thinking the source of our ethical responsibility. The rules for this responsibility are not the result of democratic voting. The source of ethical responsibility lies beyond human reasoning and it is the domain of religion. That does not mean that all Europeans must reaccept the religion of their ancestors. Humanists and atheists can adhere to the same sense of responsibility. Instead of the bible or a transcendent force, one can find this source in one’s one intuition. By intuition we mean the sensitivity for the appeal coming from the Other and from creation as a whole.

For this reason, Christians, Jews and Humanists  can contribute to a permanent ethical reflection about how to behave as Europeans. It can be very inspiring if people gather regularly in churches and synagogues in orde to discuss about ethical questions. Priests, clergymen and clergywomen, rabbis, outstanding humanists and philosophers can lecture during these meetings. People can be encouraged to attend such a meeting every Sunday or Sabbath. The content of the discussions can be published the following day on internet or in the digital district newspaper so that citizens and teachers in the school can further reflect on these issues.

The plight to install concrete measures without delay

Europa can become a paradise on Earth if the citizens behave as true human beings who act in a responsible way. All men of good will must take action now so that politicians are compelled to change their policy. That latter will be possible if all citizens, or the most of them, act in accordance with the following rules:

  • to buy as less is possible and only that what is absolutely necessary, by preference locally produced food and goods. By this rule the politicians will be compelled to look for a more responsible and ethical justified economic model
  • to limit meat consumption to one day in a week since bio-industry is extremely polluting. At the same time the dire fate of domesticated animals will end
  • the citizens are called not to participate at national and European elections, This will be a signal that we want a drastic change in politics. The hope is that we can elect private persons instead of representatives of political parties (these parties have no more sense since their programs are mostly equivalent and economic factors have a almighty power over politics)
  • to end traveling. It is more responsible to spend holidays at home and in one’s own region. International sport competitions are ignored
  • networks of solidarity are organized on a local, national and international scale. The aim of these networks is to help each other when there are social problems such as poverty, deprivation, criminality, mental health problems, etc

When a new European policy will emerge, priority can be given to the organization of a Peace Corps. A two year compulsory service for all women and men will be organized. Immigrants will be trained to bring peace and security in the countries of origin and to contribute to the development of these countries so that all immigrants can return.

The members of the Peace Corps will work e.g. in the customs so that borders are better controlled and so that no container or parcel can be imported uncontrolled in Europa. In this way drug traffic can be eradicated. Others will reinforce the police corps so that surveillance in the streets and public areas can be maximized. That will have a huge impact on criminality since surveillance is one of the best preventive measures that can be taken against criminality.

These examples prove how a new ethical founded European policy can be achieved. Networks of solidarity will play a crucial role because the citizens themselves will take action instead of waiting in vain for the institutions.

Are all these proposals utopian and unrealistic? I don’t think so. Everywhere we see initiatives which resemble what I have proposed. What is needed is to inspire the masses. Some events in the near futures will certainly puss the people to take action. In that case the politicians will follow.


The current developments are worrisome. Our future is uncertain. We must take on our responsibility so that the future of our children and grandchildren will be positive. Europa is vital for the whole world. It is only Europe that can bring a humane civilization where people can live a dignified existence. Our responsibility for Planet Earth is founded on three elements: our culture and our scientific progress, our engagement for other people and, most importantly, out ethics. 

We must be proud of our cultural and scientific achievements. Our culture and our sciences are at the disposal of the whole world.

We must be proud of our colonial past. Black people in Africa were better off during the colonial past. Therefore we must be proud of colonialism. Ten of thousands Europeans went to Africa to dedicate the rest of their life for education and health care. An impressive infrastructure has been built. The indigenous people lived in peace and welfare for all began to rise. Sixty years after independence these achievements are never matched. We live now in another era. Colonialism is a strategy of the past. In these times returned immigrants will, with the support of Europe, make every effort to rebuild these countries.

We must be proud of our ethics. Our Judeo-Christian values are unequaled in human history. This ethics guarantees an humane society. For that reason, millions of refugees  and oppressed people in other parts of the world, see Europe as a beacon of hope. Humankind deserves our ethics, which is the only one which can bring true and enduring peace and welfare in the world.

In orde to realize a decent world for all people, we must focus on two main goals: (1) to free us from islamic influences in Europe so that we can stand up forcefully for our norms and values and (2) to free us from American capitalism so that greed is no longer a driving force in our society. If these goals are attained, Europe will be a leading force in the world. This Europe will act at the service of humankind. This Europe will support Muslims so that they can live in peace and well-being in their own countries. This Europe will unite all men of good will, from Washington to Beijing, so that there will be more love for the others and more responsible behavior for saving our planet.

   DE EEUW VAN DE LAATSTE KANS (nieuwste boek) © Juliaan Van Acker 2025