Why Brexit is a good example for other European countries

What the EU wants can be achieved precisely by phasing out the EU. I illustrate this with the two main arguments for uniting the European countries under one government. As a united Europe, we are stronger against other great powers and we can better protect our economic interests. A strong policy is required, particularly in the face of an increasingly powerful China, which already has enormous interests in Western countries. But it is also important that Europe can conduct a consistent policy vis-à-vis Russia and the Islamic countries. Finally, the US will take us more seriously if it is clear who the leader is here and if that leader is enabled to be a real leader (read: a statesman).

What the proponents of a European Union constantly forget is what makes a country strong and powerful. If the countries of the union are weak, then the sum of weak countries will never be able to form a strong union. That is why we must first make sure that the countries are strong and powerful. An army, for example, can defend a country well if the military really wants to fight for their country. That motivation is based on a sense of belonging, on a shared history, on shared norms and values and on pride in the homeland (unfortunately, this is not the case in a multicultural society). Armies of relatively small countries, such as Ukraine and Israel, can successfully withstand the greatest threats.

There is no such motivation for the European Union as a whole. The EU is too much of a bureaucracy and the politicians are more like technocrats. Those who really rule the EU are not elected by the people. Lobby groups have an undemocratic influence.

If the European countries were to remain sovereign, they could each build a strong army of soldiers who will defend their families, their relatives and their friends with all their strength, and who also want to protect their cultural heritage. Good agreements can be made between the armies to successfully defend Europe against enemies. NATO was created before the European Union was expanded to 27 countries. However, European countries have underinvested in defense because they felt safe under the US umbrella. In a strong Europe, there must therefore be a joint agreement to make defense credible. We don't need an organization like the EU for that.

Mass immigration is a threat from within. The fact is that the EU cannot solve this, ergo the EU (deliberately?) prevents a solution. Here only sovereign countries can provide a solution by closing borders and ending the absurd asylum industry. Brexit will enable the UK to end mass immigration and the presence of millions of illegal immigrants; however, this will only work if a strong, charismatic leader takes control of political power.

In economic terms, sovereignty is also a precondition for resilient policies. Within the EU, it is more about a planned economy that does not take into account the specific circumstances of the countries; history shows the disastrous consequences of a centrally planned economy.

The countries do not have to be played out by China or the US. Statesmen will ensure that the various European countries adhere to rules made to protect their own economies. Sovereign countries know best what legislation is needed to stimulate the economy in the specific situation of their own country and to levy taxes in an efficient way.

In this high-tech era, economics is mainly stimulated by research. Scientific breakthroughs usually come about thanks to scientists who go against the so-called common sense. These scientists are rarely subsidized by the government. A science policy from a supranational organization is a policy of mediocre compromises which lead to stagnation. Within a sovereign country, the most talented scientists get better opportunities, who can of course cooperate with scientists from other countries. Israel is the perfect example of scientific progress.

It is crystal clear that sovereign countries are the building blocks of a strong Europe. However, unlike in the past, we now have to deal with globalization and the emergence of new superpowers. In order to conduct a good policy against this, sovereign countries can work well together, without having to build a cumbersome bureaucratic organization that does not inspire anyone and is very expensive.

Within the European Union, the appointed 'leaders' are colorless figures who don't inspire anyone because the big countries look for compromise candidates who are easy to manipulate. For that reason, they are usually candidates from Lilliput countries.

As the European Union evolves into a European Confederation of Sovereign States, real leaders will emerge here and they will be appreciated by many Europeans. These statesmen will automatically play a leading role in making agreements and treaties between European countries.

Most European countries, like Israel, are able to build a very strong defense system, as well as a thriving economy based on innovation and a huge investment in research. If a European Confederation of sovereign countries will consist of dozens of „Israel's", Europe will be the most powerful player on the world stage.

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