Climate crisis

There is a lot of disbelief and resistance, it is accompanied by a lot of emotions, there is also a political struggle over it, and yet it is clear that nature is seriously disturbed and that it is getting worse. We must be very, very concerned about it.


For the time being, things are going slowly, at least for those who do not live near the polar circle. Sometimes there are signs that indicate the opposite, for example during severe winter frosts. This then strengthens the opponents in their conviction that nothing is wrong. However, if we look at the long-term statistics, it is abundantly clear that the temperature is rising and that the air is continuously polluting.

Another concern is that the measures being taken now can make it worse. For example, the construction of wind farms requires a huge amount of CO2 emissions for production and maintenance. Electric cars the same. The production of one electric car pollutes the atmosphere as much as driving a diesel car for seven years.

We do not have to expect anything from the government and politics. They implement measures on which there is consensus. The latter means that a real breakthrough will never come. There can never be a consensus on a proposal that does not fit within people's mindsets. Only a disaster of unprecedented magnitude can awake people. However, in the case of the climate crisis, the disaster is slowly happening, so that it seems that nothing is urgent.

The only solution comes from the people themselves. If they do not radically change their behavior, the climate changes will become intolerable. In some parts of the earth, life will no longer be possible because the farmland is withered or flooded with seawater. This will gradually expand. Larger and larger numbers of people will start moving.

Given the seriousness of the situation, it is immoral today not to start with radical behavioral changes. The following are the first obvious:

1. Eat no more meat

2. Only buy the essentials

3. Celebrate holidays in your own country or in neighboring countries

4. Limit car use to what is absolutely necessary.

This will have a huge impact on the economy, but it will also mean the end of the endless economic growth. The economy will have to adapt and that will happen. Local production, ensuring adequate food supply in one's own country and a basic income for everyone (as well as a fixed maximum income) will characterize the new economy.

These and other behavioral changes yet to be discovered will not mean that our lives will become dull or of lesser quality. The opposite may well be the case: the people who share a common country and culture will feel more and more connected to each other. There will be many more social activities. Ecological agriculture around the cities will attract many volunteers. The employees will be under less pressure. There will be much more attention for family and relatives. People will make fewer debts. People will be able to enjoy again what nature offers them. Old landscapes will be restored. People will live in harmony with their own environment. Care for nature will go hand in hand with care for the loved ones.

It is therefore important to take a first step in the direction of a new spirit of the times. Anyone who does not comply with the above four rules from today on is an immoral person. If this does not become a mass movement that inspires people all over the world, then our generation is immoral.

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   DE EEUW VAN DE LAATSTE KANS (nieuwste boek) © Juliaan Van Acker 2025