Will there be a repeat of the ten plagues of Egypt in the 21st century?

Modern man is unable to break through to the truth in his thinking. He is trapped in scientific thinking. This thinking has become all-consuming thanks to the fantastic scientific and technological achievements. This gives modern man a sense of omnipotence. He “believes” that everything can be controlled through scientific research and technology.

This sense of almost "divine" omnipotence is unwarranted for two reasons:

(1) every person dies. Because this is not in keeping with the feeling of omnipotence, the modern age is characterized, strongly in contrast to earlier times or to non-technological societies, by suppressing death as much as possible;

(2) science and technology have led to the production of weapons of mass destruction and destruction of the planet and biodiversity. The threat of nuclear war is more present than ever. The consequences of climate change are becoming more and more catastrophic.

Because of the enchantment of modern man with science and technology, God was declared dead. This is unique in human history. People have always believed in gods. Our ancestors believed in the one God who revealed eternal truth to us.

Based on what the Bible tells us, including about the ten plagues in Egypt, we can say the following:

In the 21st century, God intervenes. This happens through the plagues that are coming at us and are becoming more and more threatening. It is not the intention that people start to believe in God again out of fear. Its purpose is to make people aware of their limitations, become aware of the destruction they inflict and of the presence of the Creator who had a purpose in His creation. It is up to man to continue creation ("Go and multiply") and to perfect it. What does this mean in concrete terms:

1. The family is the most valuable. Motherhood and fatherhood in a family where the parents are faithful to each other and where each other is cared for selflessly and unconditionally are the cornerstone of creation. The people live in families and the children honor their parents all their lives. Everyone continues to live and work in the vicinity of the people with whom they are connected and for whom they care.

2. Every nation and ethnic group returns to the land of the ancestors. If several peoples or ethnic groups are represented in the family or in the family, a choice is made. Each nation ensures the proper management of its own sovereign land.

3. Eretz Israel is the land promised by God to the Jews. The Muslims and the Christians are leaving this country. The Jews from all over the world come to settle there. The temple is being rebuilt.

Only when these three conditions are fulfilled will there be an end to the plagues, we will not go to a man-made apocalypse, and peace and well-being will come to all people of goodwill everywhere on Earth. If we continue with globalization, the plagues will become unbearable. If the Muslims do not return to their countries of origin, the misery in the Islamic countries will continue and they will continue to kill each other. God punishes those who do not perfect or destroy His creation.

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Saint Zelensky and Putin the Satan

1. What does Putin want?

Few in the West have such a thorough understanding of the Russian mind as Stephen Kotkin, Professor of History at Princeton University. He has plowed through Russian archives like no other, resulting in, among other things, a very voluminous biography of Joseph Stalin, the third part of which will be published in 2024. In an interview at the Hoover Institute, a think tank at Stanford University, he took to the question 'What does Putin want?' a line from the Treaty of Versailles in 1919 to the present day situation around Ukraine.

In World War I, Russia lost to Germany, the Russian Revolution broke out, and everyone thought it was the end of the Russian Empire. In the Treaty of Versailles, the Soviet Union was excluded and the territory of this former empire was reduced. Poland and the Baltic States became independent countries. Part of Ukraine was annexed by Poland. Stalin wanted to restore the old empire and stimulated the industrialization of Russia so that a powerful army could be built. With World War II, Stalin had achieved his goal and the Soviet empire was bigger and more powerful than ever.

With the end of the Cold War, this empire again fell apart. The United States declared itself the victor. Russia was allowed to participate as the little brother in the new world order, because it was assumed that Russia would embrace liberal democracy. The European Union expanded eastward. The Russian territory diminished even more than after 1919. However, Russia came back and when Putin came to power, his vocation was to restore the old Russian empire. Putin is not a mass murderer like Stalin. Every now and then a dissident is killed, but the main thing remains reparation for the Russian people. The Russians are proud of their country, which they believe has a special vocation. Like Stalin, Putin built a powerful army with which he can now try to recapture former territory. The invasion of Crimea, of which Sevastopol is a port founded in 1783 by the Russian tsarina Catherine the Great, and of the Donbas in Ukraine was the beginning of this endeavour.

Stephen Kotkin emphasizes that Putin is a true Russian, nationalist at heart and deeply aware of Russia's vocation to dominate the vast Eurasian Empire. Putin is not Hitler. He wants the rightful demands of the Russian people to be met, and preferably without bloodshed. Hitler, on the other hand, despite the agreement with Chamberlain in Munich, absolutely wanted to start a war and also exterminate the Jews. Putin is constantly pushing for concessions without going to war. It will become clear in the coming weeks whether he can achieve his goal.

Personally, I would like to add the caveat that the European Union cannot play the role it should. There is a lot at stake. Do we want another great war on our territory? Will the Americans again bomb a large part of Europe's cultural heritage, ostensibly in the name of peace? The European Union is still a great power economically, but politically it is a dummy on the world stage. The latter is the result of the ideological void within the European Union. The Europeans do not feel connected within that union. All kinds of nihilistic action groups saddle Europeans with a sense of guilt. Europe has lost its vocation, largely due to the EU construct, a bureaucracy of technocrats and unelected rulers that mocks true democracy.

European civilization has so much to offer the world that we must act. It could be a matter of life or death. The European countries must first and foremost restore their sovereignty and form a confederation together. Sovereign countries have the future because only in a sovereign country do people feel connected to each other and are they prepared to show great solidarity. In order to maintain sovereignty, we are prepared to fight out of patriotism.

Secondly, Russia must be invited to join the new European Confederation and thus also NATO. Within a confederation there will be no need to annex the Baltic States and Ukraine, because we are all part of a new empire. This confederation will be a new global power that will be able to play a decisive role in the enormous challenges that lie ahead in this 21st century.

Thirdly, European citizens must take to the streets as soon as possible to show their solidarity with the Russian people, because nobody wants war and we have a common vocation to restore ethics in international politics.

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1. 21st century politics

2. Without NATO there would be no war in Ukraine

3. Why to live differently in the 21st century

4. The future of Europe lies in Russia

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   DE EEUW VAN DE LAATSTE KANS (nieuwste boek) © Juliaan Van Acker 2025