The 21st century: A spiritual era

 Postscript and conclusions of my Dutch book: Europe's jihad to preserve civilization. (2022)

 If we succeed in mastering the challenges facing us in the 21st century, the world will look different from the one we are used to. In short, after the industrial and post-industrial era, a spiritual era will follow.

In this spiritual age we will have liberated ourselves from materialism and excessive consumption. The emphasis will be on relationships, initially with those with whom we feel connected. Humans come to the fore again. In the spiritual age, people will prioritize caring for each other and for their environment. Economic and industrial activities are limited to that which enables and optimizes that care.

In Europe we find the strength to enter this spiritual age, in the Judeo-Christian ethic that, thanks to the Enlightenment and Humanism, has evolved into one that can make the whole world humane. For that reason, it is necessary for European civilization to maintain its foundation. Europe is indispensable for world peace. We must dare to defend our civilization. It's not too late. Europe can regain its strength and thereby save the whole world from a man-made apocalypse.

The three most important and urgent pieces of advice that can be derived from this book are:

 (1) limiting our material needs, consumption and travel to the bare necessities. In this way we can devote all our attention and care to our loved ones.

(2) liberate us from the darkness that Islam brings over Europe and motivate the Muslims to build their own civilization in the lands of their ancestors. Ultimately, the Islamic countries will be able to flourish in solidarity with Europe.

(3) We will only be able to overcome the threats we face or already face, such as the pandemics and the effects of climate change, if we act responsibly in our own environment. Thanks to the emphasis on spirituality, we will have the psychic power to support each other.

Following these advices will prevent Europe from becoming a hell like Lebanon and other Islamic countries. Our ethics will protect us from an all-controlling dictatorship. Emphasizing meaningful relationships with those closest to us will help us to be happy in the face of adversity. People who care about each other, selflessly and unconditionally, are preparing a future Earthly Paradise and they can make the 21st century the best century ever.

 Sovereign countries are best placed to achieve prosperity, so that solidarity aid can be provided to countries and peoples in difficulty for as long as necessary. No one in this world needs to go hungry. No one should be excluded from medical help. No child should miss the opportunity to develop his talents. No one needs to feel that no one cares about them. If this pursuit will characterize international relations in the 21st century, this century will not be the end of humanity, but the best century ever.

The most important conclusion for me as a pedagogue from my analysis of current developments is that priority must be given to good education for all children, girls and boys, everywhere in the world. If this is achieved, all children can develop their talents to contribute to a better world later on. Europe, together with the returning immigrants, can play a decisive role in bringing education to a high standard in Islamic countries and in black Africa, starting with good primary education. Good education lays the foundation for equality, freedom and fraternity.

It goes without saying that in order to achieve world peace, every nation must have its own home. People find safety in their own home and gain the necessary strength to face the world. A powerful people, however small, can show solidarity with other peoples. People are proud of their own house. They share common norms and values. They carry the culture further and watch over the heritage. The shared history of tens of generations is the foundation for continuing to work on one's own civilisation.

To make the 21st century the best century ever, it is necessary to implement policies that end globalization and multicultural societies. Every nation has the talents and possibilities to realize peace, well-being and prosperity in their own country. Unfortunately, the Third World is constantly losing its dynamic powers due to mass emigration. Globalization prevents the gradual development towards better living conditions and an efficient policy to manage the consequences of climate change. Hence the proposal advocated in this book to motivate non-Western immigrants to participate in the construction of the homeland of their ancestors.

We should stop with globalization and multiculturalism because these are the logical consequences of materialism and individualism. Greed and lack of responsibility often go hand in hand. In this book I argue for a return to normal life, among the people with whom we feel connected and in the region where our ancestors lived. In my view, instead of materialism, a choice is made for a meaningful life, characterized by care for each other, for the heritage of the past, for the landscapes and for the fauna and flora that make life on earth so pleasant. Moreover, the end of globalization and the diminishing importance of materialistic needs are necessary to prevent our planet from becoming uninhabitable. The end of multiculturalism will mean that the Third World will finally become a humane world.

Women's emancipation is one of the most important achievements of the 20th century. This shows a higher form of civilization. In the 21st century, the rights of the LGBTI group will be protected and there will be more respect and equal treatment for these people. This is also an important step in the civilization process. These happy developments, however, should not make us forget that every child has a biological mother and father, that the optimal circumstance for raising a child is to grow up with both biological parents who are faithful to each other and love the child selflessly and unconditionally. Procreation is also a condition for the survival of mankind. A command that has been given to man since the beginning of time.

The question that remains is how all these proposals can be realized on a global scale. In this age of 'fear and trembling' as a result of the enormous challenges ahead, it is ultimately the citizens themselves who must take responsibility. Kierkegaard valued the individual higher than the universal, which means that the individual cannot hide behind his rights or behind 'normal' affairs. Just as Abraham did not want to be a slave to prevailing norms and values, but took personal responsibility for his choices, so each individual must determine for himself what his contribution can be to overcome the challenges of this century. We should not expect the solution from politics or from national or international organisations. That is why statesmen are needed who, by their example and charisma, inspire citizens to behave responsibly.

There is, however, more: the individual must be truly free in order to be able to assume his responsibility. He must be, as it were, above his rights and duties, in the image of God; I would dare say as an equal of God, who must not submit to God, who must also not appeal to God, who can even deny God, and all because he and he alone is responsible for his conduct. Is not this the meaning of the Judeo-Christian foundation of European civilization?

[ Introduction of this book: link ]

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   DE EEUW VAN DE LAATSTE KANS (nieuwste boek) © Juliaan Van Acker 2025